Saturday, April 4

Gay Life in Andalucia

Gay Life in Andalucia Background to Andalucia's Popularity with the Gay Traveler The Gay traveler has always had an affiliation with Spain, and since the countries increasing popularity as a holiday destination in the 1960's and 70's, Andalucia's gay community has thrived. Not only due to the widely open and accepting Spanish people, holidays are typically a time when beliefs and prejudices are put aside and the desire to relax, unwind and to have a good time doing whatever you do takes over. Perhaps the fact that people are displaced from their usual surroundings whilst on holiday, results in the removal of barriers and stereotypes that they may normally have. Several of these stereotypes exist around the lifestyles and habits of gay people, and therefore, rightly or wrongly, it is widely accepted that the climate, beaches, club culture and shopping facilities of the Costa del Sol have increased Andalucia's popularity with the gay market.

Likewise, the trend towards rural tourism and multi-centre holidays has increased gay travelers awareness of communities that exist in other significant destinations such as Cadiz, Seville and Cordoba. Another stereotype revolves around the notion of the 'pink pound' which in the UK refers to the spending power generated by gay consumers. This group has been historically assumed to be part of a family unit of just two, is less likely to have children and thus is more likely to be professional individuals who have concentrated on their career rather than their family. It has been concluded that these individuals are more likely to have greater earning potential and less daily outgoings upon which to spend.

During a time when Andalucia has seen so much change so rapidly, and where the Costa del Sol has been considered a fashionable and exclusive resort, it's perhaps not surprising that much of this 'pink' money has been spent in Andalucia. Gay Marriage A key influencing figure in the prospect of increased gay settlers in Andalucia will be the recent legalization of gay marriage, with Spain being one of a handful of countries that has done so. Homosexuality was illegal in Spain before 1978, when the constitution within which it was legalized was agreed. This acceptance of gay unity as a viable and now legal alternative to the more traditional one man one woman marriage earned Spain much notoriety within the Catholic Church where it was still seen as unacceptable. But, to there credit, Spain decided that it was the right way to go, and the recognition of gay relationships in a legal and formal capacity was realized.

Gay Lifestyle Much of gay lifestyle centres around the cafe/club culture, and in Andalucia, this is in abundance. Due mainly to the climate, the cafe scene thrives where outside and pavement dinning and socializing is the norm. Licensing laws in Spain have a larger effect on the gay scene and most clubs stay open into the early hours of the morning, with few opening much before 10.00pm. Club life in Andalucia centres around current music fashions and trends, and most famously amongst the community, within the Nogalera area of Torremolinos on the Costa del Sol. Cabaret, which still proves to be an extremely popular theme in many gay friendly establishments, will be found in any significant resort, and it's not unusual to see very colourful cabaret with a gay or camp undertone even in the smallest of provincial towns! Support Groups There are several groups offering support to gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans gender people in Andalucia.

You can normally find associations within most large towns and cities, and likewise within the provincial towns there will be a presence of some description, no matter how small. Such organizations will help gay people to integrate into the community, offer help and assistance in most matters, and give advice about socializing and community groups where you can meet new friends Information can be obtained from one of the larger groups, COLEGA (Colectiva de Lesbianas y Gais en Andalucia) Conclusion It goes without saying that the gay community has embraced all that is on offer in Andalucia and has really made it its own.

Admirably, gay people have utilized and added to the already colorful and vibrant Andalucia life in a way that other communities have never even considered. It's not unusual to assume that the gay communities' love of Andalucia will continue to grow, with more people using the region for holidays, a place to live and work and to ultimately retire and settle.

Friday, April 3

Homosexual Dating Tips

Is there a difference between homosexuals dating compared to heterosexuals? Actually there isn't really a difference except maybe just a few obstacles to consider. For any two individuals dating can be exciting, fun, nerve wrecking, stressful, thrilling, heart aching, wonderful, and all sorts of feelings. For gays who are either dating or trying to find the right person here are some tips to help on this dating journey.

  • Go to a place that you both enjoy find a place that be neutral for both, not too far, no too close. Some gays are not very able to outdoor activities while other rather to be in quiet places as restaurants and other like crowd places as night clubs and bars where body contact can have some place.
  • Let the things happen most gays go to dates expecting too much from the other person. When you are dating gays expecting too much from the other person is a common mistake and you should avoid it at all cost 'cause maybe nothing is going to happen that night, some gays are looking for fun in the first date and maybe nothing is going to happen while some other gays are looking for having sex in the first date.
  • Be Yourself maybe you heard this like a thousand of times but it's true, by being your self you'll have nothing to hide to the other person and you won't need pretend to be somebody else as well. Besides, by being your self you'll release much common stress for the first date.
  • Have fun remember that dating is for having fun and meeting other gays, so make sure that happen. Don't be depressed or stressed about old dating experiences, don't take back things and think in new opportunities with this new date.

Thursday, April 2

Gay Dating Tips

Doesn't matter if you are bisexual, bi-curios or gay, finding the perfect date is a hard task, specially if you are trying it for the first time. Several questions come to my mind many people ask themselves before the first date, some of them may be: Where should I go? What should I say? How should I dress? Nobody can tell you that but I can tell you one thing for sure, be your self and be relaxed. Below is a list of tips for gay dating, hope it helps for successful dates.

Top Gay Dating Tips

  • Location: Choosing the right place is very important step for first dates. Try to meet him in a neutral and public place, not to far not to close and in a place when you are familiar with the area. Also don't choose a place that is too noisy or too quiet, choose a place when you can communicate and be heard effectively.
  • Concentrate: Dating is a nerve tracking situation, especially if you are the shy or quite type. Other important point to have present is to actually listening what your date has to say, if you are not focus enough you won't be able to connect in an effective way.
  • Give and Take: Talk and listen, share the conversation, feel free of talking about your self, ask questions, but also be able when your date is talking to you. Don't ever take the conversation just for you, talking just about one person is boring and eventually will result in a boring and not successful date.
  • Leave the past in the past: Every first date is a new beginning and you should treat it like that. Don't bring up in the table last relationships or negative experiences. be optimistic and feel confident with your self about this new beginning. Stick in the present and think in the future, the person is right in front of you is your potential next gay relationship.
  • Easy come, easy go: Probably the most common mistake in gay dating situation is the fact that most gays tend to rush the things into sex and spending one night stand. Wrong!!! Take your time to meet the other person and give the opportunity to both feel comfortable with each other. It's not very advisable to become too serious too early, this might scare your partner who may is not ready for that situation as fast as you suggest.
  • Honesty: on gay dating is very important to be hones, most men tend not to be in straight relationships, gay relationships are totally different. If you feel that your gay partner is not giving you the right attention you deserve let him know, and if you are interested in your partner let him know too. You both will surprised about what honesty can do on gay dating and for gay relationships.
  • Respect: Maybe one of the most important gay dating tips I can give you is to respect your date as a person and as your potential partner. Respect to be respect. If he call you and you don't respond the message you are disrespecting him in a very bad way.

My recommendation for gay dating is to meet gays online first. Internet dating is a very easy away to find gays online for dating. Read these gay dating tips, meet real adult gays online and then meet them in the real life.


Wednesday, April 1

Authenticity And The Gay Identity

Many years ago, when I worked in education, I spent my summers directing outdoor park district activities for kids. The children would come from the neighborhood to play various games. One year I recall a teenage boy coming to the park with a desire to talk with me. He would attend a youth group at his church (which was located nearby) and then meander over to the park facility. At some point in our conversation, he told me that he was gay and that he felt ashamed as a result his church's anti-gay sentiment. He felt very alone because he had told no one in his youth group of his sexual orientation. His parents were not informed, and would have been mortified had they known of his gay identity. Each time he came to the park we would talk about his struggles with being gay. Because I had trained student leaders to work with the park kids, I was able to devote some attention to this troubled young man. This was my first exposure in conversing with an individual who professed to be gay. I learned a great deal about a segment of society that played out their lives in agonizing silence.

I learned that gay people, like other minorities, are used to being stereotyped. Those of us who are straight, perceive gays to be effeminate, flamboyant, impulsive and artsy. Most of the gay people I have met do not fit that pattern. They typically feel isolated because their behavioral patterns are actually heterosexual in nature with the exception of their sexual affinity toward others of the same sex.

With the advent of multicultural thinking, gays are beginning to feel more comfortable and accepted. Their level of confidence affects their relationships and style of relating to the world. The acknowledgment of being gay takes supreme courage. The odds have been stacked against those who choose to make their gay identity known. Many adults, now in midlife, are just beginning to acknowledge their true sexual identity. With such exploration comes the awareness that 'I feel a stronger sexual connection with those of the same sex.' Such a realization may signal the emergence of terror ' I am not who I pretended to be.'

When you listen to the stories of those who are gay, you get a sense of the conflict and tension they have experienced in their struggle to be authentic. Most have known from an early age that they felt different about their sexual identity. In an attempt to conceal their feelings and behavior, many gays worked feverishly at removing any vestiges of gay traits from their behavior.

Adolescence is a difficult time of turmoil for most youngsters. Add to that the issue of sexual identification and it certainly makes the process of navigating adolescence that much more strenuous. Many schools are afraid to acknowledge their gay students and provide little or no support for those in need. Ideological and political pressures play a role in keeping school administrators and school board members from stepping up to the plate in support for gay youth.

In my professional counseling practice, I have personally witnessed the anguish and conflict experienced by those individuals who have professed to be gay. I have also observed the courage that many patients have demonstrated in the process of emerging from their silence over their sexual orientation. Learning to be authentic is an important component of counseling and to honestly identify one's sexual identity may be apart of that process.

Although there is little evidence to support its efficacy, many counselors surprisingly continue to espouse reparative treatment for gay clients. Counselors, who many times disguise their intentions, choose to subscribe to the archaic notion that sexual orientation is a learned pattern or choice rather than a lifelong identity. Reparative therapy views the gay individual as disordered and in need of transformation. Generally, counselors who conduct reparative therapy for gays look for deep-seated traumas as a causative factor in the 'identity conflict' of those they serve.

Counselors who insist on touting reparative therapy for gays typically maintain their own biases regarding homosexuality. They carry these biases into treatment and negatively affect the self-worth and integrity of those they serve. Their insistence in curing gays creates a climate of self-doubt and defectiveness among those they treat.

Many in the religious community are unable to reconcile their beliefs and faith and are reluctant to identify with those who define themselves as being gay. This fact causes many gays to reject their faith or live in a constant state of religious conflict. Years ago, a friend of mine decided to spend a weekend of solace at a religious retreat center. This was to be a time of isolation and reflection. However, her time quickly took on a new meaning. Gay men from churches throughout the country flew into this retreat center. Many of them were board members, elders, and pastors of their congregations. No one knew of their sexual orientation with the exception of the hundreds of Christian colleagues who met at this retreat center to worship together once a year. Every year, these men got together in the freedom of their true identity and worshiped God. They talked with my friend, expressing their sense of liberation and love for the God they embraced. My friend said it was a moving experience as she was asked to join them in their religious services which were filled with energy and passion.

Denial is a dangerous thing. Those who choose to ignore their true sense of self pay a price for their own personal deception. It takes courage to live with the way things really are. There are pitfalls along the way, but it is more honest and authentic. Those in the gay community have the right to define themselves the way they wish. Unfortunately, for openly gay people, there are consequences for living with an identity they did not choose.

Tuesday, March 31

Gay Relationship And Lifestyle

The popularity of gay lifestyle is evident from the number of gay dating sites that has sprung up on Internet in recent times. It is a blessed platform for closeted gays to contact gay males for gay romance, love and sex relationship as anyone else would wish for. gays can search free gay personals on gay dating websites for gay relationship.

Out Personals

Out Personals, Queer - these words characterize gay lifestyle, which till today is not an accepted mode of life to a large populace on this planet. Even in modern, fast-paced societies where liberal attitudes and sexual liberation are a norm, gay men are looked down upon. Gay activity is sneered or frowned upon and they are looked down as queers or out personals the naming to is self explanatory.

Social Life

Country politics and social caretakers indulge in raging debates on gay lifestyles and gay rights in discussion forums, parliament, and conventions. There is a marked hesitancy in accepting gays in government services and other public enterprises, though some nations have accorded acceptance but more has to be done. In many instance persons discovered as following gay lifestyle have been debarred from office jobs and social circles.

The crux is that homosexuality is in practice since ages and it is still as popular, without any signs of receding or vanishing from the face of earth. Then why not accept it since it does not impinge on anyone?s privacy or way of life. Nor is it detrimental to the society since gay dating lifestyle is a much-closeted practice.

I am not advocating gay life as a gay-which I am not-but what I want to stress is that everyone has a right to express his or her sexuality and practice as long as it does not hurt others.

Gay Lifestyle and Relationship

The reason behind ridicule or sneer of gay lifestyle is that it is a biological aberrance as sex is for procreation and a man-to-man sex does not give birth to new being. But then, anal sex practice is not limited to gay couples only, it is much practiced by straight couples too, so what is funny. Any way gay love and romance is a very strong force that binds the gay couple together sometimes in permanent relationship.

Sex is for procreation but it is for pleasure too, and any which way you can. Therefore, "Out" sex practice is not restricted to guys only but rather practiced by straight lifestyle followers in some way or the other. So live and let live.

Monday, March 30

Dating Personals for Gays

If you are on the look out for gay dating personals, then look no further. Gay club offers you one of the largest adult dating gay site with thousands of profiles for you to meet gay dating singles for fun, friendship, relationships, love and romance.

Gay dating men in general are very friendly, easy to approach and are most welcomed in the community. However, there are times when it can be a little difficult to meet that someone special or expand your circle of friends. With the up rise of internet dating, one can meet gay singles with ease and comfort, avoiding any embarrassments and awkward situations. This service will definitely make you feel most welcome!

With over 140,000 registered members online, there is surely something for everyone. Our advanced search facilities will allow you to find the right person and contact them at your own comfort. The gay dating personals on this site have all been verified by our staff to ensure that you have a great chance of meeting someone who is genuine. The best part, membership and chat are free.

To get started, follow the simple registration steps and create your own personalized profile. Make sure it is creative, list your likes and dislikes, and who you would like to meet. If you see any sexy men that are of interest to you, be sure to let them know and make use of the free chat rooms made available. For any complications, there is email staff to help you out.

With all that said, join the thousands already online and look to meet gay singles in style, ease and comfort.

Gay Marriage

The marriage controversy between people of the same sex is also known as gay or lesbian marriage or same-gender marriage. Same sex marriage is the social, cultural and legal recognition that regulate the relation and coexistence of two people of the same sex, with equal requirements and effects that exist in the different sex marriage.

Many western countries have legalized or decriminalized the homosexuality at least, following recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. Several European countries (Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Slovenia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Denmark, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Hungary, Spain, the Croatia, Czech Republic and some regions of Italy) have changed their laws so that the gay couples have the right to marriage or to enjoy an equivalent protection. Several states allow the homosexuals to adopt children.

The gay marriage controversy grants the spouses, and to the families who these form, the total equality of rights and obligations to which they emanate of the conventional marriage or between people of different sex, with the intention of allowing to the constitution of unions and stable homo relation families, and to eliminate all form of discrimination and prejudice towards the gay controversy.

If you are interested in knowing particular testimonies of gay or lesbian marriages or people interested in forming a gay marriage, consults in the Iwantu gay page and knows thousands of people with interesting histories to tell you.