Thursday, April 2

Gay Dating Tips

Doesn't matter if you are bisexual, bi-curios or gay, finding the perfect date is a hard task, specially if you are trying it for the first time. Several questions come to my mind many people ask themselves before the first date, some of them may be: Where should I go? What should I say? How should I dress? Nobody can tell you that but I can tell you one thing for sure, be your self and be relaxed. Below is a list of tips for gay dating, hope it helps for successful dates.

Top Gay Dating Tips

  • Location: Choosing the right place is very important step for first dates. Try to meet him in a neutral and public place, not to far not to close and in a place when you are familiar with the area. Also don't choose a place that is too noisy or too quiet, choose a place when you can communicate and be heard effectively.
  • Concentrate: Dating is a nerve tracking situation, especially if you are the shy or quite type. Other important point to have present is to actually listening what your date has to say, if you are not focus enough you won't be able to connect in an effective way.
  • Give and Take: Talk and listen, share the conversation, feel free of talking about your self, ask questions, but also be able when your date is talking to you. Don't ever take the conversation just for you, talking just about one person is boring and eventually will result in a boring and not successful date.
  • Leave the past in the past: Every first date is a new beginning and you should treat it like that. Don't bring up in the table last relationships or negative experiences. be optimistic and feel confident with your self about this new beginning. Stick in the present and think in the future, the person is right in front of you is your potential next gay relationship.
  • Easy come, easy go: Probably the most common mistake in gay dating situation is the fact that most gays tend to rush the things into sex and spending one night stand. Wrong!!! Take your time to meet the other person and give the opportunity to both feel comfortable with each other. It's not very advisable to become too serious too early, this might scare your partner who may is not ready for that situation as fast as you suggest.
  • Honesty: on gay dating is very important to be hones, most men tend not to be in straight relationships, gay relationships are totally different. If you feel that your gay partner is not giving you the right attention you deserve let him know, and if you are interested in your partner let him know too. You both will surprised about what honesty can do on gay dating and for gay relationships.
  • Respect: Maybe one of the most important gay dating tips I can give you is to respect your date as a person and as your potential partner. Respect to be respect. If he call you and you don't respond the message you are disrespecting him in a very bad way.

My recommendation for gay dating is to meet gays online first. Internet dating is a very easy away to find gays online for dating. Read these gay dating tips, meet real adult gays online and then meet them in the real life.
